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New York Public Library celebrates 100 years with Borges

The New York Public Library celebrates one hundred years of life with an eclectic exhibition featuring the most precious treasures of his vast collection, including a Jorge Luis Borges's manuscript, a copy of the Gutenberg Bible and a suit of the dreaded Ku Klux Klan.
Photo: http://rincondelbibliotecario.blogspot.com/
BY AFP New York

"If the devil himself wrote a book, we would have him in the library," once said Edwin Hatfield Anderson , director between 1913 and 1934 of the celebrated institution located on Fifth Avenue in midtown Manhattan and guarded by statues of lions "Patience" and "Fortress".

Since 1911 curator of the New York Public Library have tried to meet that goal encyclopedic, guided by the philosophy that "all knowledge is worth preserving."

why the show opened on Saturday, and will run until 31 December, ranging from Sumerian clay tablets with cuneiform script II-III century BC to a Macintosh laptop that shows the newspaper's Web site New York Times. Among the treasures

exposed and highlighted by the centuries-old institution in its advertising and presentation of the exhibition, is the manuscript of the story "The Lottery in Babylon," the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986).

"The Lottery in Babylon", included in the book "Stories" (1944) and tells the story of a city where all activity is determined by a lottery is drawn by hand with neat handwriting, including deletions and additions, in a school notebook of graph paper.

The exhibition, divided into four parts (Note, Contemplation, Creativity and Society), also includes a copy of the Gutenberg Bible of 1455, the first book printed with types cast, an edition of "Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler 1940, and a scroll painted with watercolor and ink with the "Tale of Genji" a classic of Japanese literature of the seventeenth century.

Other jewels can be seen in the large exhibition hall of the building are the only existing copy of a Columbus letter of 1493 detailing some of his findings, and the Journal of American activist Malcolm X of his trip to Mecca in 1964.

The sample does not refer only to works and writings, but also includes objects, some of them curious, as the hooded white dress used by members of the American right-wing organization Ku Klux Klan, or Cane The British writer Virginia Woolf found in a river of the country shortly after his suicide in 1941.

The celebration of the library includes the presentation of a book based installation works of American writers William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway and Francis Scott Fitzgerald, as well as readings and lectures for adults and children.

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The words of Simón Bolívar reach the Internet through your own website
The National Academy of History of Venezuela announced today the launch of an online archive of 60,000 digitized images to print and mail the "Father of the Nation", Simon Bolivar, which will allow scholars to find on the net to the Liberator. "There are 60,000 individual images of all the papers they wrote Bolívar's handwriting, what came to him and everything that has to do with the time of Independence, told Efe president of the autonomous historical institution and project developer, Elías Pino Iturrieta.

DJ By Editor May 17, 2011

historian explained that the digitization of work began in mid-2009 "to save" documents "very old" who were in microfilm format, which will be fully operational next June 20.

reported that has done a thorough job for anyone, at any level of instruction, can access information easily.

"With the possibility that the whole world, from Venezuela to Russia, to see this material without any obstacle, get rid of manipulations can be found independently of criteria," said Pino Iturrieta.

"We Bolivar closer without much fuss," he added.

The project was realized with the collaboration of universities with their institution Simón Bolívar Bolivarium and Católica Andrés Bello, in addition to the contribution of private resources.

In 2010, the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez signed a decree establishing that all the material relating to freedom had to be moved the General Archive of the Nation from the National Academy of History.

"The Academy of History met the presidential decree but before we do this work which is in itself a historical knowledge revolution," said the president of the institution.

Iturrieta Pino stressed that the "new looks" about what happened in Venezuela at the time of Independence will help to surface new theories, "new tracks."

According to the historian, there are still some details that must be fixed so you can access a perfect system.

"The index is updated and complete, the system Search is accessible to any user, it's done all the work, only missing a few adjustments, "he said.

Bolivar file will be available on the website of the National Academy of History ( http:/ / www.anhvenezuela.org/ ) and in the space of Bolivarium (bolivarium.usb.ve), which will link the vast library on the Independence of Venezuela.

Venezuela held on July 5, the bicentenary of the independence and, according to the information provided today by the head of the Capital District Government, Jacqueline Faria, from June 30 will start the festivities in the country. Exhibitions

photographic exhibitions of paintings, film and street theater and samples of historical documents in the National Assembly will be part of the celebration, according to Faria.